Celebrate Special Occasions With US.
Every occasion marks a huge event, the planning & the energy really shapes the event for all of us. Every special occasion be it birthdays, anniversaries or commemorating an achievement. We can use these positive times in our lives to impact others. If you chose to celebrate your special occasions with us , you increase your impact. Happiness is watching people around you be happy and these kids are just ecstatic that you made time for them. With simple gifts, you will give our children a lifetime of memories.
The gifts of educational assistance and meals is what your celebrations can bring about. With a small contribution you can share your happiness with us and them. Every contribution you makes it possible to gift them means to aid their development. Our work at wechange is powered by people like you. It might not seem much but even a small amount can support our extensive activities.
PS: We understand that not everyone is in a position to donate. If you can, please do. If you want to donate but cannot, you can support us by amplifying our efforts on your social media & elsewhere. To generate large-scale awareness of issues, whether that’s the environment or human rights, people’s power is going to be needed more than ever in 2021. Let’s ensure we recognize our privilege and do whatever we can to provide for others who can’t.